Owning an RV is no minor thing. With large objects come
large responsibilities, from cleaning to maintaining. And large
responsibilities don’t have the reputation as being especially kind to your
free time.
If you want to do right by your RV and invest the least possible amount of time in it—while still
maintaining the RV’s quality—then you’ll have to find the smartest ways to
work. It’s not an excuse to be lazy; it merely means that you should know a
thing or two about RV maintenance so that you invest your time efficiently. And
to that end, we’d like to offer the following tips:
- Keep a maintenance
kit handy in the RV itself. Sure, you have a garage full of tools…but it’s
far more efficient if you can simply go to the RV itself, pull out the
maintenance kit, and get to work. That way there’s no looking around the
garage, trying to find this tool and that tool. Instead, you can get down to
business right away. - Maintain
more often than not. What does this mean? It means that you’ll want to
invest less time in maintenance over more frequent maintenance sessions. If you
wait six months or a year to do anything to your RV, there’s a chance that some
issues could pile up on you. If, however, you do a few minutes of maintenance a
month or quarterly, you’ll find that these problems don’t pile up…giving a
pleasant side effect of reducing your RV-related stress. - Keep the
RV clean. It should go without saying, of course, but you’d be surprised at
how many people struggle with RV maintenance problems that could have easily
been prevented with regular cleaning. To avoid this, make sure your RV is
clean, and as a bonus, make sure to keep the interior dry as well. A dry
interior helps prevent issues like mildew buildup. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure. - Build a
routine. An inspection routine is a great way to make sure that you’re keeping
track of all of your RV maintenance issues every single time you head out to do
some maintenance. Not only will this help you identify issues earlier, but it
will give you a solid basis upon which to work. Some of the things we do most
efficiently are the small habits that we’ve learned over the years. - Look for
underlying causes. Treating the “symptom” of RV maintenance can work well,
but sometimes it’s only a cosmetic “lift” rather than actually solving the
actual problem. To know how to best handle your RV’s maintenance, try to look
for underlying causes to common problems. Not only will your solution be more
efficient, but it will also save you future
time by ensuring that these problems don’t come back to bite you.